Good afternoon all, hope you are having a lovely weekend. The sun eventually reached us late on in the week so made the most of it - washing out to dry, lunch in the garden reading new magazines, no kids, hubby at work - aah bliss!!!

(sorry about the light - was taken in the garden and couldnt see the screen properly on the camera). Today it is back to being a bit chilly - boo.
The boys are back to school next week - and once I get the house back to normal (meaning no toys or games boxes all over the floor!!!), I must get back making my cards - I quickly made one for me husbands nephew the other day:

Its quite similar to one I did for his dad - hope they don't compare notes - lol xx
Over the last week or so - I seem to be doing more cross stitch on a night while (half) watching tv and these are my makes:

I am trying to get organised when the kids leave school for the summer holidays I have done the little alphabet patterns to stick on notebooks to give to their teachers. The champagne glasses are to go on a card for a golden wedding - sewing with the gold thread was a nightmare - glad it was only a little bit - thanks to the ladies on the mse cross stitch cafe thread who gave me some advice. Lastly, the patchwork heart just needs the backstitch/blanket stitch effect doing - and that one was done just because I liked the pattern. Cant wait to start the new kit that came with this months magazine subscription.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.